ExCeL London |  24 - 25 April 2024

Lalitha Iyer

Lalitha Iyer

Chief Medical Officer, NHS Frimley ICB
As Chief Medical Officer in the Frimley Integrated Care System, Lalitha leads on improving the health of the population and the development of collaborative strategies to level up the position of all our communities, so that access to, and benefit from, health and social care is readily available, irrespective of background and environment. She is a Queens award winner for Voluntary work and was the clinical lead for the Slough Covid regional pilot aimed to reduce mortality and morbidity at the start of the pandemic and was the SRO for the Covid Oximetry @home project. Her passion for reducing health inequalities across the local populations is reflected through her involvement in community health events with local charities and working to improve outcomes in the population served including the ethnic minority groups. Her current role also encompasses being the Senior Responsible Officer for the Local Maternity System and the Cardiovascular prevention lead / Chair for the Frimley ICS CVD prevention group. She is a menopause and women’s health specialist and the Women’s Health champion/ lead for the ICS. Lalitha is accountable for all matters relating to the relevant professional colleagues across the clinical and care workforce employed by the ICB, working alongside the Chief Nursing Officer. Together they will also be accountable for statutory and non-statutory functions such as quality assurance, improvement and safeguarding.

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